Hi everyone,

I hope you can attend our next to last Open House for this year!  Please bring in all your inventory as we need it.  If you have any kits, such as pillowcases or wallets, please bring them in, even if they are not completed.  These kits were created for this year’s event so we need them back and I will have someone finish them.  All inventory must be turned in at our June 8th Open House.

There will not be a meeting, so come anytime between 9-12.  Unfortunately I will not be able to attend this month as I have been diagnosed with breast cancer and will be having a lumpectomy on Wednesday.  The lump is very small and it was found at a regularly scheduled yearly mammogram. So….please get your mammograms every year! I have been assured by my doctors that this was found very small and I will sail through it-easy-peasy was used several times. 

Not sure when, but sign ups will be online again this year.  When I hear it is live, I will send out instructions.

Upcoming events

Our next sew day at our office will be May 23 from 9:30-1:30
35th Ave Sew and Vac Sunday, May 26, 10-3.

If you have any questions, please reach out but give me some time to reply/1
