No open house 1/14
No open house Saturday January 14th due to the annual appreciation luncheon.
Chris Wilhelm and Sandy Whitver attended the Awards Banquet for OCJ Kids and each received a 'You make a difference award' for everything BTSCD and Stitches of Love have done to help with the needs [...]
S.A.F.E. Update
Back to School Clothing Drive SAFE Retail Store and Matching Grant now provides automatic matching grant funds. This means your Title 1 elementary school can purchase 50% more clothing each time you buy stretching your [...]
How to Donate
You've made it! To donate online: When you're ready, click the “DONATE NOW” icon. You will be directed to the Authorize.Net Secure Checkout. When filling out your donation form, be sure to identify your gift [...]
2016 Newsletter
Congratulations on a very successful distribution 2016! A huge thank you goes out to everyone who helped with 2016’s distribution and helped to make our 46,101 items.! It was OUTSTANDING!!! If you came, thank you! [...]
Please check back to this article. We will update more patterns here periodically. Click on the name of the pattern to see it. That was a T-shirt Everything you always wanted to know about Knits [...]