What a great Open House we had, lots of inventory turned it. I saw many little boy shirts, which makes me very happy. I bet we have right now as many shirts as we had at the end last year and remember we ran out on Tuesday afternoon. Please remember to put a little car in the pocket of your shirt and use a safety pin to close the pocket. We have both cars and safety pins at the center for you.  If you need shirt buttons, let me know!

A big THANK YOU to Jerry Wissink from BHHS Legacy for the great luncheon and donation of $30,000. I assure you the money will be wisely spent. We welcomed Family Promise and OCJ Kids to our luncheon and learned about how they also help kids. We are very proud to be able to to help more kids by donating clothes to them. These are kids that normally we would be helping through school, but when the schools are qualifying their students in February and March, these kids are not in the same place in July to attend our distribution.
What do we need for inventory, clothes! Any sizes, dresses, and tops/bottoms. We especially need tops of all sizes. 5,500 kids will be invited to attend distribution starting July 17. Please remember to put your size tags under the left arm as this will make it easier at distribution when all the clothes are facing the same direction, the size tags will be right out where we can see them.
I handed out an information sheet on sewing with knits and this will be available along with the latest inventory on the website in a couple of days.
Don’t forget about our additional sewing days. Yarn it Forward will now be held the Monday after Open House (10-2) and the Triple T’s will be the Thursday after Open House (9:30-2:30). The 4th Sunday of every month we will be at 35th Avenue Sew and Vac from 10-3. If you would like to sew at the center a certain day of the month just let me know and we’ll try to work something out.
If you would rather not get emails from us, please let me know and I will remove you.  If you would like to get emails for distribution only, please let me know and I will add you to just those emails. Email me at stitchesoflove@backtoschoolclothingdrive.com.
Thank you everyone for all your sewing and crafting for our kids. It is all ‘sew’ appreciated.