Stitches of Love

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Posts under this category are for Stitches of Love’s audience.


2018-03-07T23:13:19-07:00October 3rd, 2016|Categories: Stitches of Love|

You've found it! Here are the clothing tags: 2017 girls clothing tags, 2017 boys clothing tags. Here is the inventory sheet: inventory form Here are standard sizes: standard sizes.

Inventory Form

2016-07-17T00:04:26-07:00January 14th, 2016|Categories: Stitches of Love|

For any incoming Inventory, please fill out the attached form. This helps the way we label the boxes and, store the beautiful items each of us has made. Inventory-Form

Last Stitches of Love Open House and Sewing Days Before 2014 Distribution

2019-09-06T00:04:56-07:00June 16th, 2014|Categories: Stitches of Love|

Hi Everybody, It’s almost here!  New Clothes, New Beginnings Distribution, that is. As you know, it is at this big event that the kids get to receive all of the wonderful items that Stitches of Love volunteers have been making throughout the year along with their school uniforms, shoes, socks, underwear, back packs with school supplies [...]


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