Stitches of Love

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Posts under this category are for Stitches of Love’s audience.

Recap – Open House June 2018

2019-09-06T00:04:42-07:00June 19th, 2018|Categories: Stitches of Love|

Hi everyone! Our latest recap is attached! Boys first---we should be okay on pillowcases as I know about 100+ that should be coming in.  Wallets----mmm let me get with Walt and see what he has made and not turned in.  Shirts, we are about 200 short from last year, so if you have any not turned in, [...]

Open House Saturday, June 9

2018-06-04T03:50:21-07:00June 4th, 2018|Categories: Stitches of Love|

Hi everyone! Our last Open House this year is going to be a bit different, no meeting just drop off your items and select supplies.  Why you ask?   Back to School has been very busy filling 5,000 backpacks for the kids and needs our meeting area for storage.  So we are going to adapt by not [...]

Volunteers Needed for Back to School Distribution

2019-09-06T00:04:43-07:00June 2nd, 2018|Categories: Stitches of Love|

Volunteers are needed to work in the Stitches of Love area of the Back to School Clothing Drive distribution beginning Monday, July 23rd. Volunteers are needed for the following shifts: Monday 11:30-4:30 and 4:30-8:00, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 7:30-12:30, 11:30-4:30 and 4:30-8:00.  Please advise if you would like a sit-down job or shopping with the kids [...]

May 2018 Inventory

2018-05-25T00:29:01-07:00May 25th, 2018|Categories: Stitches of Love|

The inventory as of May 2018 is available here, as well as on the link on the Stitches of Love page. 2018 Stitches of Love inventory - subtotals 5-12-18

Recap – Open House May 12, 2018

2019-09-06T00:04:43-07:00May 17th, 2018|Categories: Stitches of Love|

 Open House Recap May 12, 2018  Happy 88th Birthday Jane! Even though her birthday was last month, we celebrated her birthday this month as she missed our April Open House due to a huge event at the Phoenix Zoo. She was very surprised and we are very grateful for all the fabric shopping she does for [...]

Recap – Open House April 14, 2018

2018-04-16T04:05:02-07:00April 16th, 2018|Categories: Stitches of Love|

What an awesome Open House!  I apologize for the lack of chairs.  I have already emailed Karl and told him we needed more chairs.  I will try very hard to have more chairs in May. Everyone is loving our website!  Many thanks to Mike for keeping it updated and easier to use.  Please send us a [...]

Open House Saturday, April 14

2019-09-06T00:04:43-07:00April 11th, 2018|Categories: Stitches of Love|

We have 3 Open House meetings until our distribution starting on July 23, I hope you have been busy and lots to turn in this Saturday! We do have an unpleasant subject to bring up...cigarette smoke. If you or anyone you are around smokes, please make sure your items (especially yarn items) are free of smoke. [...]


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