
Posts under this category serve to inform the general public and other BTSCD stakeholders.

Calling for Silent Auctions – Basket Ideas

2019-09-06T00:04:51-07:00September 23rd, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , |

Support the Back to School Clothing Drive 50th Anniversary Celebration by donating a silent or live auction item today! Not sure what to donate? Check out our wish list here and feel free to get creative! Silent Auction Basket Ideas Pamper Mom Suggested items: Bubble bath, bath salts, towels, candles, a CD of meditative music, gift card [...]

GCU volunteers add verve to annual clothing drive

2019-09-06T00:04:51-07:00September 23rd, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: |

By Laurie Merrill GCU News Bureau A herd of purple-clad Grand Canyon University staff, students and athletes turned out in force on Tuesday – GCU Day – to bring smiles, cheer and a helping hand to children attending the annual Back to School Clothing Drive. High fives and laughter were the order for the day at [...]

Back-to-school Clothing Drive ‘better than Christmas’ for kids in need

2017-10-05T00:15:52-07:00September 23rd, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , |

With the first day of school around the corner, 1 in 5 Valley students won’t be prepared with new clothes or classroom supplies. For Valley families in need, the Back to School Clothing Drive is a lifeline. In its 50th year, the event helps more than 250,000 children from 260 different schools with free clothes, shoes and a backpack [...]


2017-09-23T20:09:05-07:00September 17th, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

PHOENIX, Ariz. (Sept. 17, 2017): The Back to School Clothing Drive, which has provided school supplies and clothing to more than 535,000 students since 1967, has rescheduled its 50th anniversary, the Golden Masquerade Gala, to Saturday, January 20, 2018 from Oct. 28 due to scheduling conflicts. The event will take place at Phoenix Art Museum, 1625 [...]

300 Children in Foster School, 250 from Children’s First Academy to receive clothing to go BACK TO SCHOOL!

2017-12-15T17:07:14-07:00August 26th, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

(Scottsdale, AZ) — Arizona Helping Hands (AHH) demonstrates the importance of charities working together, thanks to a new partnership with the Back to School Clothing Drive. With funding from the BHHS Legacy Foundation, the organizations are collaborating to outfit 300 children in foster care and 250 students from Children’s First Academy with new school clothing and [...]

GCU Day at Back to School Clothing Drive

2019-09-06T00:04:51-07:00July 19th, 2017|Categories: News|

July 19, 2017 / by Laurie.Merrill  Photos by Travis Neely GCU News Bureau A herd of purple-clad GCU staff, professors and students were among the many volunteers who participated on the second day of the annual Back to School Clothing Drive. Some volunteers at GCU Arena helped children fill enormous bags with clothing and other goodies while [...]

Back to school clothing drive empowers Valley students in need

2019-09-06T00:04:52-07:00July 13th, 2017|Categories: News| PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) - With the first day of school around the corner, 1 in 5 Valley students won’t be prepared with new clothes or classroom supplies. "They do not have the funds; the money is not there," said Brenda Nelson, the founder of Academy of Excellence. Nearly half of the students at Nelson’s school come from low-income [...]

Back-To-School Clothing Drive Celebrates 50 Years Of Service

2019-09-06T00:04:52-07:00April 23rd, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |  Back-to-School Clothing Drive Celebrates 50 years of service Estimated 531,000 students served! By Bette and Ed Sharpe - Glendale Daily Planet Back-to-School Clothing Drive (BTSCD) has helped to break down barriers to early childhood school success by providing new school uniforms and outfits, backpacks and school supplies to k-6 grade children in need, statewide. These children are [...]

S.A.F.E. Update

2017-01-11T01:33:05-07:00October 19th, 2016|Categories: News|

Back to School Clothing Drive SAFE Retail Store and Matching Grant now provides automatic matching grant funds. This means your Title 1 elementary school can purchase 50% more clothing each time you buy stretching your dollars.  Your matching grant from Back to School will display immediately as a cost savings, as each item is selected. This [...]

How to Donate

2019-09-06T00:04:53-07:00October 10th, 2016|Categories: News|

You've made it! To donate online: When you're ready, click the “DONATE NOW” icon. You will be directed to the Authorize.Net Secure Checkout. When filling out your donation form, be sure to identify your gift as “AZ Charitable Tax Credit.” Complete the remainder of your donation information and click, “Submit.” To give by check: Remit check [...]

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