
About Mike

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So far Mike has created 188 blog entries.

Boys Dress Shirts

2019-09-06T00:04:38-07:00August 26th, 2019|Categories: Stitches of Love|

As you all know, boys love our dress shirts. I was making some using two different patterns, and I quickly realized that even though the measurements on the patterns are the same size, the finished chest sizes are actually different and did NOT match the finished measurements on the pattern.  We don't have many patterns to [...]

Coltan Cruz Story

2019-09-06T00:04:38-07:00August 15th, 2019|Categories: Stories|

Colt was recently featured in the Glendale Star. Check out this article. Colt provided the following description of what the Back to School Clothing Drive means to him. The volunteer organization that means the most to me is the Back to School Clothing Drive and I will do my best to describe the reasons why. I [...]

Recap Open House June 8, 2019

2019-06-12T03:48:40-07:00June 12th, 2019|Categories: Stitches of Love|

Our last Open House before distribution starts July 22!  First thing is THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes! I had a great day! Our clothing numbers are ahead of last year's numbers, so awesome job everyone! One thing I failed to mention on Saturday is that 5,139 school kids have been registered along with another 1,500 foster [...]


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